Why go to Indonesia for higher education?

1. If you like beautiful nature
Most people know Bali and of course you can go to universities in Bali. However Bali is just the tip of the iceberg. Indonesia has so many islands with so much beautiful nature. In fact Bali is categorized as a small island compared to other Indonesian islands.

2. If you want the experience managing diverse people with diverse backgrounds
Indonesia consists of more than 300 ethnic groups. If you calculate the tribe in the same ethnicity it will consist much more.

3. If you like culture and arts
Indonesia is full of culture and arts. From traditional to modern arts. From painting to dancing. In fact Indonesia has the best orchestra hall in Kemayoran Jakarta.

4. Very Affordable Higher Education
Indonesia has very affordable higher education compared to many countries in Asean. It is true that several Indonesian institutions are expensive, but it is a tip of the iceberg. Most of Indonesia's higher education is affordable.

5. Very Affordable Cost of Living
Cost of living in Indonesia varies from $100 a month up to $300 a month depending on your location. However, most of Indonesia's higher education is outside metropolitan cities.

6. High Number of Universities and Major
Indonesia has more than 4.000 higher education institutions. Yes, you read it right. It is more than 4.000. It is more than several other Asean countries combined. Despite these high numbers of universities, most of the universities cater to local people. So you will need help to find the right ones for you.

7. Gateway to Asean Jobs
Indonesia is a gateway to Asean countries. All countries that join ASEAN will recognize each other's higher education. So whether you want to work in Indonesia or elsewhere, your chances are open.

8. Gateway to International Post Graduate
Indonesian graduates have access to many world renowned institutions. With less money than a bachelor degree in Australia you can finish your undergraduate in Indonesia and your master degree in Australia. So definitely it is not only value for money but opens your door to the world.
Indonesia student life
Indonesia is a country of contrast. You can visit most modern malls and at the same time enjoy the heritage. You can enjoy fancy restaurants and eat in traditional kitchen restaurants where you literally eat in the kitchen. Indonesia is famous for Sumatra, Java, Bali, Flores, Toraja and Papua beans. If you are a tea lover there are plenty of local teas that you can enjoy with cakes or with milk.

1. Eat in fancy restaurant 2. Eat in traditional restaurants 3. Eat in hidden restaurant 4. Eat in kitchen restaurant

1. Bubble Tea 2. High Tea 3. Traditional 4. Tubruk Tea 5. Coffee Shop 6. Coconut 7. Juice
There are more than hundreds of major destinations in Indonesia.

1. Kuta Beach Bali 2. Kuta Beach Lombok 3. Senggigi Beach Lombok 4. Raja Ampat 5. Bunaken

1. Bromo 2. Merapi 3. Dieng 4. Salak

1. Java Jazz 2. Prambanan Jazz 3. Bromo Jazz 4. Ngayogjazz 5. Papandayan Jazz 6. Jazz goes to campus 7. Pop Concert 8. Classical Concert
Introduction to Indonesia Higher Learning

Indonesia higher education is following the Bologna convention. There 3 tiers of degree in Indonesia:
- D4 (Diploma 4) is for Applied Bachelor Degree/Bachelor of Art
- S1 (Strata Satu or Level 1) is for Bachelor Degree (Hons)/Bachelor of Science
- S2 (Strata Dua or Level 2) is for Master Degree and
- S3 (Strata Tiga) is for Doctoral Degree.
Indonesia higher institution had several types
Universities (Universitas) : Offer a broad range of academic disciplines.
Institutes (Institut) : Focus on specific fields, like technology or arts.
Polytechnics (Politeknik) : Provide vocational and applied education.
Academies (Akademi) : Offer specialized training in specific areas.
Tertiary Colleges (Sekolah Tinggi): Similar to institutes, with a focus on specific disciplines.
Based on the subject approach, Indonesia’s higher education institution is divided into 2: vocational and science.
The main difference between vocational institutions is having a more practical orientation curriculum and science institutions having a more scientific curriculum
Public and Privates
Most Indonesian universities are private. Indonesian public universities are competitive. Most public universities are using government funds and have limitations in accepting a number of students. Some public universities have international undergraduate program that cost several times more than local undergraduate programs.
Indonesian students can use their high school grades or take national and institutional tests to enter public universities. Each student can choose all majors as long as they pass the major requirements. What differentiates Indonesia from other countries is that Indonesian students are able to enter medical school and law school directly without necessity to enter prelaw or pre med.
Indonesian education fields are categorized as:
Other = Philosophy, Religion
Social = Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Development Studies, Psychology
Humanities = Literature (Indonesian, English, Mandarin, Japanese, Arab), Law, Art, Design
Business = Accounting, Business Administration, Management, Business Information System, Computerized Accounting, Finance and Investment, Syariah Business, Economics, Economics Development, Actuarial, Marketing and Digital Business, Entrepreneurship.
Health = Medical, Traditional Medicine, Nurse, Midwifes, Medical Technologies
Engineering = Information Technology, Electrical, Civil, Industrial, Machine, Architecture, City Planning, Data Science,
Natural Science = Physics, Biology, Statistics, Maths, Geography, Agricultural, Agronomi, Ocean Study, Food Technology, Bio Technology
In terms of quality, Indonesia education is accredited with Indonesia Accreditation Board and Local Independent Board of Quality Assurance. Indonesia higher education is regulated by the Ministry of Higher Education that is separate from the Ministry of Education for High, Middle and Elementary School.
Study Period
In Indonesia undergraduate programs consist of 144 credits and could be finished from 4 to 7 years of study. There are government required credits and the rest is determined by university.
Support for International Students
Unlike other countries, Indonesia is still limited with foreign students. If you want to have an education in Indonesia you will need assistance to take care of some bureaucracies. It is important to make your learning experience as fun as possible.
How to enter Indonesian University
If you foreign student then there are special requirements to enter. Beware of universities that claim themselves international and give you very different tuition fees. These universities do not teach you English and do not have proper treatment for universities. Please beware.
Please contact us and we will help you to enter Indonesia step by step.
The general requirement are:
- Graduate from high school either it is general high school or vocational school.
- If you are a transfer student that already has a diploma you can finish your bachelor degree in Indonesia.
- If you are a vocational student you can choose either to continue to a vocational bachelor degree or science bachelor degree.
- Your ID and birth certificates.
- Your transcript and high school diploma.
- Visa requirement to study in Indonesia from immigration after accepted into University
Which Universities to Choose?
Public University
Big public universities already have programs for International Undergraduates. These programs usually cost between USD5.000 up to USD 7.500 annually. The international programs are differentiated
Private University
Private universities have different approaches for international students. They can have mixed classes with local or special classes. The cost is between USD 1.000 up to USD 2.500 annually. Make sure you do not choose irresponsible private universities.
Which major to choose
Indonesia has diverse majors unlike other systems. Education in Indonesia is concentrated on majors. You will take many subjects related to subjects you choose.
Indonesian education fields are categorized as:
Other = Philosophy, Religion
Social = Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Development Studies, Psychology
Humanities = Literature (Indonesian, English, Mandarin, Japanese, Arab), Law, Art, Design
Business = Accounting, Business Administration, Management, Business Information System, Computerized Accounting, Finance and Investment, Syariah Business, Economics, Economics Development, Actuarial, Marketing and Digital Business, Entrepreneurship.
Health = Medical, Traditional Medicine, Nurse, Midwifes, Medical Technologies
Engineering = Information Technology, Electrical, Civil, Industrial, Machine, Architecture, City Planning, Data Science,
Natural Science = Physics, Biology, Statistics, Maths, Geography, Agricultural, Agronomi, Ocean Study, Food Technology, Bio Technology
Study Period
In Indonesia undergraduate programs consist of 144 credits and could be finished from 4 to 7 years of study. There are government required credits and the rest is determined by university.
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